Sunday, January 13, 2013

Do It Together documentary (DIY)

An awesome new independent documentary on the Do-It-Yourself scene is in production. The most exciting part of the projects is that it's going to describe the DIY process which may be very useful for young, upcoming bands and artists. Check out the teaser above and the trailer below. Hit the links below and support this great project.

Here’s some info from the DIT team:Aight, peeps!! ;) DIT’s special Xmas gift is the first “Do It Together” trailer! We’ve been working hard and soon we will have more things coming - teasers, trailers, website, workshops, goodies and, finally - “Do It Together” film! It’s been a long process and a lot of hard work is behind us, but there’s plenty more ahead and we are gonna stay busy and keep you updated! 
In the meanwhile, please don’t forget to like our Facebook page [], follow us on Twitter [], Youtube [], Vimeo [] and Flickr []! :) DIT wishes you all the best :) Cheers* ///

For all of you who may not know what DIT [Do It Together] is, it’s a growing group of young people who create new media and organize events, bringing together creative people who like and make honest and independent art. Currently, our main project is a documentary [named “Do It Together”]. In short, it’s a film exploring the life of independent artists who struggle to survive making music in a changing world, with a large number of DIY artists taking part, giving their opinions and ideas of where this medium is heading to, along with plenty of great live performances. The movie is focused on the DIY ideology and the artists’ independence, today’s music industry issues, copyright matters, young artists barriers, the experience that people have and new ways they find to spread their art.
So far we have many artists involved in this film. To name some: Devo [US], Steve Albini - Shellac / Big Black [US], Tristan Bechet - Flux Information Sciences / Services [US], Shipping News [US], Lite [JP], John Dikeman [NL], Adebisi Shank [IE], Hella [US], Polvo [US], Tera Melos [US], Giraffes? Giraffes! [US], Chevreuil [FR], Deerhoof [USA], The Ex [NL], Knalpot [NL], Gone Bald [CRO / NL], Le Single Blanc [FR], Boutros Bubba [NL], Petrol [RS], Parts & Labor [US], Aural [UK], Deformica [ARG], Pneu [FR], Aucan [IT], Dan Deacon [US], Part Chimp [US], Al Schorch [US], Nelson Can [DK], Hurtmold [BR], Gijs Gieske [NL], The Bulletproof Tiger [CA], Kit [US] and many others, including various venues and labels.
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