ALBUM`````Crawling to Lhasa

GENRE`````Psychedelic, Krautrock
German psychedelic underground band- released only Crawling To Lhasa album.
“A legitimate reissue of this great spacey, psychedelic album from 1972. A duo perform, & the final result is lots of guitars, flute, electric piano and old synthesizers & percussion plus some additional instrumentation, & lots of creepy spoken recitation. This is a CLASSIC! ‘’Kalacakra’s blend of mantras, blues, folk and stoned psychedelia gained Crawling To Lhasa a well deserved curiosity value, yet they were an altogether more eclectic and strange band than any of their possible mentors.’‘-The Crack In The Cosmic Egg.”

enjoyin' the heck out of your blog today. thank ye kindly, take care, merry christmas and a happy new year...
Sweeet blog.
Thank you!
Thanks guys, enjoy the new year:)
re-upload please
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